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Section                                                                                                                                                              * Page


2   Welcome to the Enterprise Learning Management System ELMS)......................................
     2.1   PGS Support........................................................................................................................ 
        i    CCSD ELMS Workshops...................................................................................................... 
        ii   CCEA PGS Support and Workshops..................................................................................
        iii   PGS Video Tutorials............................................................................................................
3   Logging in to CCSD ELMS...........................................................................................................
4   Timeline........................................................................................................................................
        i     June 1st................................................................................................................................
        ii    August 31st.........................................................................................................................
        iii   October 1st.........................................................................................................................
        iv   October 31st.......................................................................................................................
5   Submitting Contact Units in ELMS............................................................................................
6   Using Google Drive to submit Contact Unit Documentation................................................
7   Looking For More Resources?...................................................................................................

 * Click the page number to jump to that section

Want to get even more information on ELMS? Click the light bulb icon throughout this handbook to view pop-ups with additional information.

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Welcome to the Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS)

In order to advance on the salary schedule with in the Clark County School District, the District and the Clark County Education Association have implemented the Professional Growth System. This system ties professional learning for educators to their salary in order to improve your practice. In this guide that CCEA has prepared for our members, we provide fool-proof instructions to help you navigate the Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS).

The Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS) is CCSD’s system for registration and tracking of employee professional development training. CCSD employees may register for professional learning created by and for CCSD in ELMS. The ELMS system is also utilized for the submission and tracking of licensed employees’ Professional Growth System contact units documentation. To access the ELMS, please visit: and use your Active Directory user name and password to login.


PGS Support


CCSD ELMS Workshops
The District offers PGS workshops to support educators and licensed professionals. To access the list of upcoming CCSD trainings, go to, search “trainings and use keyword “PGS”.

CCEA PGS Support and Workshops
CCEA also provides a variety of PGS supports and workshops to our members. If you have questions about the Professional Growth System, need guidance or would like to attend an upcoming workshop, please call 702-473-1026 or visit:

PGS Video Tutorials
Video tutorials have been created to assist you with navigating the ELMS, including such topics as:
â–¶ Logging into CCSD ELMS
â–¶ Writings, Submitting, and Viewing Your Annual PGP or Opt-Out Using CCSD ELMS
â–¶ Using Google Drive to Upload and Share Documents
â–¶ Submitting Salary Advancement Documentation in CCSD ELMS

To access these and other video tutorials, please visit:


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Logging in to CCSD ELMS

Educators/licensed professionals who are working towards salary advancement will submit all Contact Unit
(CU) documentation online through ELMS. Please follow the directions below to login to your account:

1. In a web browser on your computer, go to CCSD ELMS at
2. Select “CCSD EMPLOYEE”.


3. Enter your CCSD Active Directory User Name and Password.


4. Select “Submit”.

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All CCEA members who are subscribed to our emails will receive email notifications in advance of each of the following deadlines. Please contact our office with any questions you may have in regard to the timelines at 702-473-1023.


June 1st
Deadline to submit your Request for Column Advancement for the next school year. The Request for Column Advancement is provided at 


August 31st
Deadline to complete all requirements for all hours/coursework being used for the current year’s column advancement.


October 1st
Deadline to submit all PGP, CU Activities, and required documentation within the ELMS for the current year’s column advancement. Official University transcripts must be received by the Professional Growth System department via e-transcript from the University at  or at the following physical address:


Clark County School District
Human Resources Division – Attn: PGS Department
2832 E. Flamingo Rd.
Las Vegas, NV. 89121

October 31st
Deadline to opt-in and be eligible to accrue additional CU’s throughout the remainder of the academic year.



Submitting Contact Units in ELMS


Educators/licensed professionals accruing CU’s for salary advancement must submit all CU documentation
for approval using CCSD ELMS.

Each activity category must be submitted as a separate entry; however, multiple events in the same category
may be grouped together as a single entry.

To submit your CU’s, log into your ELMS account and follow the directions below:

  1. Select the “Add Advancement Activity” icon in the center of the screen.

  2. Select “New”

  3. Enter the name of the activity and the link to the supporting documents housed in the educator/licensed professional’s Google drive. Note, CCSD ELMS does not permit right clicking. To paste the link, use “Ctrl + v” on a PC or “Command     + v” on a Mac computer.

  4. Check the indicated box and select “Add.”


Did you know?...


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5. A pop-up form will appear. Scroll to the activity category, and click on the triangle to the left of the category. A dropdown will

    appear with the specific activities within the category. Place a checkbox next to one activity from the series of dropdowns. Enter      the quantity (hours, credits, etc.) on the right. Scroll to the bottom and select “OK”.

6. Enter the description of the activity, indicate if compensation was received, enter the start and end date, and enter the number        of CU’s accrued.

7. You may leave the remainder of the fields blank.

8. Select “Next” from the bottom of the screen, then review what has been entered and select “submit” from the following page.

Using Google Drive to submit Contact Unit Documentation


Educators/licensed professionals who are working towards salary advancement will submit all Contact Unit documentation online in the CCSD Enterprise Learning Management System (ELMS).

The required documentation submitted through the system will be uploaded into one’s Google Drive and the link to the documentation will be shared in CCSD ELMS.

To complete this, please follow the directions below:


  1. Scan hard copy documents into a single file on your computer for each activity category.

  2. Rename the document (example “Smith, Bob – math tutoring Spring 2019.”)

  3. In a web browser on your computer, go to Google Drive at

  4. Create a folder in your Google Drive for your CU documentation by selecting “New” and “Folder.” Name the folder appropriately. Note – you will not be sharing the link to this folder in CCSD ELMS, but you will share the links to the individual files that you store in the folder.

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5. Drag the uploaded files from the folder on your computer to the folder in your Google Drive to up
load them.


Right-click on a single file and select “Get Shareable Link.”


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Continued from page 10

6. Ensure that link sharing is on and that the sharing settings are such that anyone at CCSD with the link can view.


7. Copy the link by highlighting it with your mouse and using “Ctrl + c” on a PC, or “command     + c” on a Mac compute

8. Paste the link into the appropriate field with CCSD ELMS when submitting documentation. Note, CCSD ELMS does not permit right clicking. To paste the link, use “Ctrl + v” on a PC, or “command      + v” on a Mac computer.


Looking For More Resources?
CCEA has lots of information available to its members to assist you in your professional capacity. Check out
these other helpful guides at

       â–¶ Professional Growth System Reference Guide
       â–¶ Teacher Advisory Council Training Manual
       â–¶ School Organizational Team Handbook

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(702) 733-3063

2023 The Clark County Education Association

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